Rishi Sunak: Where Does The New PM Stand On NI Protocol?

Boris Johnson promised to “Get Brexit Done” but his successor inherited a bogged-down dispute about special arrangements that were agreed for Northern Ireland. Liz Truss lasted just 49 days in office, during which time talks with the EU restarted.

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Brexit: PM To Unveil Plans To Scrap Parts Of NI Protocol Agreed With EU

Boris Johnson will later publish plans to scrap parts of the post-Brexit deal he struck with the EU in 2020. The PM wants to change the Protocol section of the deal to make it easier for some goods to move between Britain and Northern Ireland.

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Brexit: EU Brings Forward New NI Protocol Proposals

The EU will bring forward new proposals for the Northern Ireland Protocol next week that they hope would form the basis for intensive talks with the UK, European Commission Vice President Maros Šefčovič has said.

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